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A Novel Approach in Sanitary Pad Vending Machine using Image Processing & Internet of Things
  • Biplov Paneru ,
  • Prabhat Kumar Chaudhary
Biplov Paneru

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Prabhat Kumar Chaudhary


Women's empowerment is a well-known and intriguing subject. Every business and institution should place a priority on the health and privacy of women because they are the foundation of society. The women must be given access to facilities that will improve sanitation and menstrual hygiene for this reason. In order to make women's pads conveniently accessible at their workplaces or other public locations, many vending machines have been explored and designed specifically for this reason. Our goal is to create a prototype that can dispense napkins depending on female students' IDs stored in a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file and then update and receive their data from the cloud, as well as remotely check the system's health using IoT.
14 Jan 2024Submitted to TechRxiv
26 Jan 2024Published in TechRxiv